Jan - 02 2020 | By

Yesterday, on the first day of the first year of this new decade Abundant Life Church saw tangible evidence of the miraculous power of God moving in our midst through the prayers of the saints! We are going to see much more of this in the days to come…

Here is what happened… A Paralympic skier who is a member of the family of one of our flock was hit in his wheelchair at an intersection by a car going 45 miles an hour on New year’s Eve and was knocked out of his wheelchair and up onto the windshield. He was rushed to the ER. As soon as that happened, our church member called for prayer to Pastor George and I and several other prayer warriors on a text chain. The Lord, through His Spirit, gave me specific words to speak on that chain which turned out to be prophetic.

This was the original text we received…

Hi there… I would like to ask you for your prayers right now. My brother *****, who is a paraplegic who is 34 years old in a wheelchair was in Colorado crossing the street when a lady going 45 miles an hour ran a red light and he got hit and thrown on to the windshield of the car. Ambulance just took him to the hospital. Please pray for him. Thank you.

As soon as we read the text, Donna and I began to pray in the Spirit and I immediately received this word which I texted then minutes after receiving her text…

Father God… We thank you that You are gracious and merciful above all things. We ask You right now Lord for You to move on ******’s behalf. You are a Wonder working God. It is not beyond Your power to use this incident to heal *****. We do not know Your plan but we trust you. We are asking for a complete supernatural activity in *****’s physical body right now. That he would be healed is our prayer. We ask this in faith believing in Jesus name. Amen.

Now I had woken up yesterday morning praising the Lord with the desire to fast just before I received this text chain. At the time that I sent this texted prayer, which was directly from the Holy Spirit, I did not know that this young man was a Paralympic skier only that he was a paraplegic young man in a wheelchair who had been hit by a car.

Here is the praise report and the true miracle…

Several hours later, after extensive examination, including X-rays and a CT scan, this young man was released from the hospital with no discernible injuries, to the amazement of the doctors, and went on to compete yesterday in his scheduled Paralympic race!!

God is most certainly on the move through the prayers of the saints! This is the year and the decade for the body of Christ to wake up and live in the power and REALITY of the Holy. Spirit.

Not only DO miracles happen in accordance with the will of God through the prayers of the saints, miracles MUST happen in order for the world to see Jesus is Messiah and that His Holy Spirit lives in those who truly follow Him.

Be blessed and a blessing, all of you who take up your cross daily and follow Him.  This is the decade of miracles and clear 20/20) vision!

In His Grip of Grace and Love,


John Henry

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