Archive for May, 2016
All’s Well That Ends Well, A Jewish Man’s Journey To Faith
It is Memorial Day 2016. It’s a great day to remember, think and write about my dad, Bernard Raskin, Staff Sergeant, Communications, 507th Regiment, 82nd Airborne, Normandy on D-Day, 101st Airborne, Battle of the Bulge, American hero. This blog is a perfect place to remember this man as he not only lived his life as […]
Walk It Like You Talk It (It’s Crunch Time)
Well… the Word of God says that it “rains on the just and the unjust”. The storms of life do happen to everyone. This saint just found out something this week that rocked my physical world. As a commissioned Executive Recruiter, for the past 20 years, I have been blessed to have been successful enough […]