Make America Great, A Call To Action!

Mar - 16 2018 | By

The poor are an easy target for the Mammonists among those in power. America will never be great, let alone “again” until we have addressed the legitimate needs of the impoverished and the working poor within our own borders. This is a huge affront to the Lord, on the part of those in this administration who claim to serve Him.

Hypocrites beware! True Believers awake!

We who truly believe and take up our crosses daily must be on the front-lines against iniquity on the extreme Right as well as irresponsibility on the extreme Left. While I do advocate praying for our leaders (NOT their agendas), I must add in conscience the following…

To this Administration God says “As you have done unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done so unto Me”. We must pray and leap to the defense of the defenseless. THAT is God’s heart.

Another way America has been seen as great by the freedom-loving nations of the world is as a thought leader in the responsible care of the planet, science-phobic foolishness aside. What are we thinking to allow this bullet train of backwardness? Time to stand and speak up in love of God and the poor and resist this shameless power grab, albeit peaceably.

With Love in Jesus’ Name,

John Henry Raskin

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