My Bad… Really.

Mar - 20 2016 | By

So today I have to out myself for a really stupid and inappropriate thing I did that did NOT reflect the Glory of God and undermined (somewhat) my credibility (to some people) as a witness and Servant of the most High God.

On Thursdays, I give the Word and minister to the flock at a Lutheran Church in the West San Fernando Valley.  This church has been very faithful, over the years, to provide frequent meals and access to food and clothing to our friends the homeless, and other under-served and struggling folks in their neighborhood.  As they are part of the Lutheran Social Services organization, they do accept money from the Federal Government, among other key donors, to provide their good works, and they are under some regulation about “being coercive” in regards to giving the Word of God before serving meals, on the premise that it causes people to “have” to listen to preaching before they are “allowed” to eat.

To this church’s credit, they have never caused me the slightest concern about giving God’s Word to their “clients”, but rather have joyfully encouraged me over the years, to continue to give His Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.  These folks get it, and they have seen the same miracles I have seen of restoration and healing of the “least of these”, Jesus’ friends, over the years.

That said, the one notable exception to this general rule, is the gentleman who kindly prepares the meals and brings the very good food, hot and ready, to our friends.  He was raised Catholic, and has indicated many times that he is not a fan of the preaching of the Word, and feels that it should definitely NOT interfere with the serving of the food.  Over the years, we have reached an amiable détente, where I arrive early, give the Word as soon as possible, and try to get out of his way when he is ready to serve his lovingly prepared meal.  Sometimes, however, the Holy Spirit drives me to go a bit longer than he would like, and he is unhappy.  He usually expresses this to others, not directly to me, but he has voiced his displeasure to me on occasion.

This brings me to my repentant confession.  Last Thursday, the Lord gave me the subject of humility, and it’s importance in God’s Kingdom and in Kingdom people’s lives.   Usually, as I am driving to the feeding site (about a 30 minute drive from my home office), the Lord is marinating my mind on the subject and by the time I get there, I have scripture and direction which the Holy Spirit will then deliver from my obedient mouth.  USUALLY.  So… here I go, and give my usual greeting to our friends, “Grace to you, and Peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  AMEN?”  THEN, all of a sudden, out of my mouth comes an indictment of our entire political system as an example of a decided LACK of humility in our nation’s current media-frenzied society.  And… who do I pick out specifically?  The poster child for arrogant self-interest, parading as a legitimate political option, Donald Trump.  Oy.

I did springboard off of that diatribe with some very beneficial and scripturally-based encouragement about what it means to be truly humble, and how the people of God can access incredible power and the wisdom to use it, direct from the Source, when we are truly humble and not self-serving or self-TRUMPeting (sorry I couldn’t resist).

Well, apparently I really crossed the line that time.  Right after I blessed the food (and the hands that prepared and would serve it) I then took some time to pray with two of my old friends who had lost their puppy to an insensitive and money-driven veterinarian and were angry/heartbroken, when my friend the cook came over and asked if he could have a moment of my time.  I said sure, and we walked off a little ways, and he turned to me two inches from my face, fists clenched, and said “Listen John, I am REALLY angry with you.” To which I replied, “Okay,what did I do?”

He then laced into me, rightfully so, about bringing politics into a public forum where I have influence.  I let him vent, because he really WAS angry, and when he was done, I hung my head for a moment and then looked him in the eye and said “You are absolutely right.  I had NO right to do what I did.  It was wrong and I humbly apologize.”  To his credit, he accepted my apology.  This coming Thursday, I intend to start my sermon with the same apology to all of the volunteers and my friends.

It occurred to me later, that the Lord had likely orchestrated this scenario so that my friend the cook, and others whom He will prepare to hear next week’s Word, would get a case-in-point example of God-driven humility.  This is not to blow my own horn however, because I was absolutely in the wrong on this one, and the cook was righteous in his indignation, and in his faithfulness to take me to task in a way that enabled me to see my error and apologize/repent.

Now… all that said, the Lutheran Church where I am trusted to bring God’s Word to the flock was a highly IN-appropriate place to speak out on this subject, but this blog is the perfect forum.

I am truly appalled at those in this country who call themselves, and may even believe that they ARE Christians, who would support an angry bully like Donald Trump.

Here is what Solomon says…

Proverbs 22:24

Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go.

Can you imagine what a narcissistic and emotionally unavailable monster like “the Donald” would be capable of with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin if he was challenged to a political pissing match on a world stage?   Their chest-bumping could lead to the death of MILLIONS before one or the other was able to declare themselves “the winner”.  The current support of this fascistic “millionaire” (most of his billions are debt) by people who claim that they follow the “Prince of Peace” is both ludicrous and truly frightening.  It is the beginning of a march toward Hitler-ism with Muslims taking the place of Jews in the very near future if we do not KNOCK THIS JINGOISTIC B.S. OFF!!!!

There.  I said it.

It is not that Trump does not have the right to run as a candidate, it is just the fear-based thinking and knee-jerk voting of those who claim faith as their center, to back and encourage this person who has no compunction about inciting his rabid followers to violence against dissenters that has me boiling.

I would like anyone who is reading this blog who disagrees with my position, to feel free to leave a comment enlightening me as to why they think that Donald Trump would make a viable candidate for President of the United States.  I promise I will respond.

In His Grip of Grace and Perfect Truth, with humility, in Love,

John Henry Raskin, Roadhouse Rabbi

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